Department of Telugu

Qualification M.Phil.Ph.D.
DesignationAssistant Professor & HOD
QualificationM.A., M. Phil., Ph.D
DesignationAssistant Professor

Dr. S.R.K. Department Of Higher Education, Yanam

Department of Telugu

The Department of Telugu is started during the Academic Year 1973-74 as an Allied Department and teaching to all the U.G running Courses and achieving 100% results every year and the Department consists of two Teaching Faculty. The Department Library consists of more than 1000 Books.

Faculty Profile:

Sl. No.

 Name of Faculty


Year of Appointment



Teaching Experience


Dr. V. Bhaskar Reddy

M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D.


Head &

Assistant Professor

Comparative Aesthetics, Literary Criticism, Lexicography, Modern Poetry, Translation

19 Years


Dr. N. Jhansi Rani

M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor


17 Years


Department of Telugu organized the following events in the recent past:

  • RUSA sponsored National Seminar on Comparative Study of Language and Literary Elements in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu on 23rd February 2016
  •  Conducted National Poetry Convention and Recitation featuring 50 renowned Contemporary Poets on 21st March 2016
  • Organized a Two-day National Poetry Workshop on 20, 21 May 2017
  • Celebrated World Poetry Day by organizing a Seminar on Telugu Poetry as well as Telugu Poetry Recitation Program on 21 st March 2017
  •  Organized a Seminar on Dr. C. Narayana Reddy during his 87 th Birthday Celebrations 31 st July 2017.
  • Organized a Seminar on “Pattabhi” during Pattabhi Centenary Celebrations on 19th February 2018.